Gluten Free Sourdough Bread Recipe

Dry Ingredients

1 1/2 cupsTapioca Flour
1 1/4 cupsSourghum Flour
1 1/2 tspYeast (Not 'instant yeast')
1 1/2 tspSalt
4 tspXanthan Gum
5 tablespoonsFlaxSeed Meal

Wet Ingredients

2 cupsGluten Free Sourdough Starter (See Recipe below)
1 + 5/8 cupsMilk or Water
1 tspApple Cider Vinegar
1/4 cupVegetable Oil


  1. Stand Mixer with regular blade OR 7 Cup Food Processor with (standard) Metal Blade
  2. Spatula
  3. Bread Pan
  4. Cooking spray
  5. Oven
  6. Timer

Mixing Directions (Stand Mixer)

You can't "over-mix" here, just make sure to add wet ingredients slowly, to prevent splashing.
  1. Pour all dry ingredients into mixing bowl.
  2. Turn on mixer, leave running.
  3. Slowly add wet ingredients while mixer is running.
  4. Wait for mixture to become a gloppy mess.
  5. Turn off stand mixer.
  6. Proceed to "Baking Instructions".

Mixing Directions (Food Processor)

Once the food processor starts straining, you'll want to turn it off, just to keep the motor from burning out.
  1. Set aside xanthan gum. It is very important that this is the VERY LAST ingredient.
  2. Pour all dry ingredients WITHOUT xanthan gum into mixing bowl.
  3. Turn on processor, leave running.
  4. Slowly pour in all wet ingredients while mixer is running.
  5. Mixture should now have the consistency of a cake batter.
  6. Add 4 tsp of xanthan gum while processor is running.
  7. Mixture should become a gloppy mess. The processor will likely start straining.
  8. Turn off food processor.
  9. Proceed to "Baking Instructions".

Baking Directions

Letting the bread rise before baking decreases the chance of "holes" in your finished product. Slicing the bread while warm will cause the rest of the loaf to "fall."
  1. Spray cooking spray into bread pan.
  2. Use Spatula to transfer batter into bread pan.
  3. Use Spatula to smooth the top of batter.
  4. (optional) Set bread pan with batter somewhere warm to rise.
  5. (optional) Wait for batter to rise (Approximately 1-2 hours). Batter should rise to just at or over the rim of the bread pan.
  6. (Denver) Bake uncovered at 325f, for 3 hours, 25 minutes
  7. Wait for bread to cool completely before slicing.
  8. Slice, then store refrigerated in ziploc bag.

Gluten Free Sourdough Starter

You'll need a 2+ cup measuring cup, a fork, and a semi-permanent location for your starter to stay. The location should be "not cold", and should not be prone to frequent breezes.
  1. Starting the Starter...
    1. Add 1/2 cup of brown rice flour and 1/2 cup of water into your 2+ cup measuring cup.
    2. Stir well with a fork.
  2. Every Morning...
    1. Pour off the clear liquid on top (known as "hooch")
    2. Add (scant) 1/4 cup of brown rice flour + (full) 1/4 cup of water.
    3. Stir well with a fork.
  3. Every Evening...
    1. Pour off the clear liquid on top (known as "hooch")
    2. Add (scant) 1/4 cup of brown rice flour + (full) 1/4 cup of water.
    3. Stir well with a fork.
  4. Day-of Bread Making ...
    1. Pour off the clear liquid on top (known as "hooch")
    2. If needed, add enough brown rice flour + water to bring you to 2 cups of starter. (Use a 50/50 ratio of rice to water)
    3. After you've poured all of the starter into your bread recipe, do NOT rinse out your starter cup, the "leavings" will prime the next batch.
    4. Follow directions for "Starting the starter"